
As a child with diabetes, Kenny does not have anymore sick days than any other child. When he does get sick it requires careful management of his condition. Illness may cause blood sugar numbers to drop or sometimes to climb too high.

The most serious illness that may occur at school for Kenny is vomiting. If Kenny vomits, check is blood sugar and give him a juice box or regular pop to sip on then call parents immediately. If you are unable to contact anyone, he needs to be taken to the hospital. It is very difficult to keep Kenny's blood sugar in a safe range if he is vomiting.

If he complains of generally, not feeling well (fever, sore throat, etc.), check his blood sugar and call parents.

HYPERGLYCEMIA (high blood sugar):

**Note** unlike hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), hyperglycemia does not require immediate emergency attention. Just follow the directions below.

Hyperglycemia is high blood sugar. Kenny doesn't usually exhibit symptoms of hyperglycemia unless his blood sugar is higher than 17.0 mmol. It may make him thirsty and he may need to urinate more frequently. It is essential that he be allowed to drink as much as he wants (water or other sugar free beverages only) and use the bathroom when needed.

When his numbers are really high, he says he doesn't feel good and sometimes even thinks that he is low. If his blood sugar numbers are higher than 17.0, and he is complaining of not feeling well, please call a parent.

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